OBIEE 11g - Creating Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
What is a KPI:
A KPI is a measurement of a particular business process which is compared against specific goals and objectives of an organization. KPI’s are typically tracked over time as a way to monitor performance and drive business decisions to help improve upon that performance. KPI’s typically have both a goal and a status that reflects performance relative to the goal. In addition, KPI’s normally are “dimensionalized” – meaning they can be analyzed by any number of defined dimension attributes associated with the KPI.
KPI in OBIEE 11g can be used an analysis dashboard to allow a user to view KPI performance and drill into the details to understand why a KPI value may be off target. KPI’s can also be used to automatically trigger alerts to specific users using OBIEE’s agent mechanism when KPI target values reach critical status levels.
OBIEE KPI’s also can be configured with another new feature – Action Links – which allow the user to initiate a action based on the status of the KPI. The action link can reference another analysis, send an email, kick off a workflow, or any other process to assist in making the KPI the basis for “actionable intelligence”.
How To Create a KPI:
One of the important new feature is Performance Management objects in the new version of OBIEE 11g. These kind of features were not implemented in the previous version. I’m going to demonstrate how to create KPI object in OBIEE 11g.
After you login to OBI, you’ll see create section on the left side. You’ll just click “Create a new KPI” link and it’s going to ask to select the subject area as usual. I use “Sample Sales Lite” subject area in my demo.
There are 4 parts for creating the KPI:
1- General
2- Dimensionality
4- Related Documents
In the “General Section” you’ll have to specify the “Business Owner”. Based on the KPI values, you’ll be able to contact with the “Business Owner”. You must select one measure column for the “Actual Value” and another measure column for the “Target Value”. Just a simple example: Units Ordered and Units Shipped. Another option is “Trending”. If you’ve created a Time dimension in the repository, you’ll gain benefit of trending option. By using this option, you’ll be able to compare periods.
In the dimensionality page, you’ll select the dimensions and levels that you want to focus on. And if you don’t want to select a value for the member, you just write “Not Pinned”.
In the thresholds page, you specify the threshold values. By default, you can specify only 2 values but it’s customizable. You can create more threshold values and also you can use custom images.
In the last page named “Related Documents”, you just specify the links for additional documents, web pages or sample reports. This is optional but good have descriptions for the KPI.
Then you’ll save the KPI.
After you save the KPI in the Presentation Catalog, you have several options to publish the KPI. Here are some examples:
- Pusblish in the dashboard.
- Use in Balanced Scorecard.
- Publish in the KPI watchlists.